How to Get Karma on Reddit Fast: 11 Strategies

How to Get Karma on Reddit Fast: 11 Strategies

How to Get Karma on Reddit Fast: 11 Strategies

What is Reddit karma?

Karma is a rating assigned to every user on Reddit. The platform defines it as a “representation of how valuable your contributions are to the community.”

Nevertheless, it essentially acts as a trustworthiness system. All accounts commence with 1 karma. You accumulate karma by being upvoted and lose it by being downvoted.

Priorly, you could also amass karma through accolades when they were still active.

Reddit karma is segmented into four classifications, which collectively generate the final karma score visible on your profile.

  1. Post karma
  2. Response karma
  3. Presenter karma
  4. Recipient karma

What does post karma mean on Reddit?

Reddit post karma indicates the amount of karma a user has garnered from the upvotes on their posts.

Initially, post karma was known as “Link” karma, although this term is seldom used nowadays.

What signifies response karma on Reddit?

Reddit response karma signifies the amount of karma a user has accumulated from the upvotes on their comments.

With a new profile, your ability to post is constrained. Therefore, acquiring karma on Reddit as a new user primarily involves commenting.

What denotes presenter karma on Reddit?

Until recently, Redditors could present medals and awards on posts and comments.

Both the bestower and recipient of the award would receive karma – presenter and honoree karma, respectively.

Reddit routinely provided users with complimentary awards to bestow. You could gradually enhance your karma by gifting these complimentary awards to other Redditors. No posting or commenting necessary!

Regrettably, Reddit completely eliminated awards on September 12, 2023. It’s no longer viable to gain presenter or honoree karma.

What is Reddit karma? It's a sum of post, comment, awareder and awardee karma. What is Reddit karma? It embodies post, comment, presenter, and honoree karma.

Observe how the total post and comment karma of the above user doesn’t equate to their overall. This discrepancy is filled by honoree karma.

What is the Function of Reddit Karma?

Redditors often label karma as “pseudo internet points.” And perhaps rightly so.

Karma merely signifies how active and engaged you’ve been on Reddit. Nevertheless, it does serve a purpose.

A specific amount of karma is necessary to post, and this requirement varies among subreddits. For the typical Redditor, once you fulfill the karma prerequisites for your subreddit, there’s little incentive to accumulate more.

However, if you’re a creator, influencer, or marketer, having more karma will position you as more credible and dependable. Subsequently, you’ll experience greater positive interaction with your posts, comments, and advertisements.

How much karma is mandatory to post on Reddit?

A major challenge for new users is determining how to amass adequate karma to post on Reddit.

You can post on your profile whenever you desire. However, as a new account with 0 followers, no one will notice it.

Fortunately, many subreddits do not impose karma prerequisites. This generally applies to the majority of smaller ones with less than 100k subscribers. Several of the largest subreddits also fit into this category.

Nevertheless, if you aim to post in a specific subreddit and are unable due to insufficient karma?

Several subreddits restrict posting eligibility based on karma possession.

The moderators of each community determine the undisclosed minimum requisite, which usually varies.

As a rough estimate, you may necessitate up to 30 karma for niche subreddits and 100 karma for larger ones.

You can also browse through the profiles of posters in a subreddit to estimate the requisite amount. Alternatively, attempt posting and if you lack sufficient karma, your post will be taken down.

For a select few communities, you may require even more. For instance, you need 1000 karma to post on r/memes.

How is Reddit karma computed?

Upvotes boost your karma while downvotes diminish it. Nonetheless, not on a 1:1 ratio precisely.

If you encounter a post with, let’s say, 40,000 upvotes, this doesn’t signify that the poster’s Reddit post karma surged by 40,000 points. In reality, much less – conceivably closer to 4,000 karma.

Thus, how is Reddit karma figured?

Redditor u/Juliot assembled data and conducted calculations to apprehend how karma fluctuates with the point tally (upvote minus downvote count) of a post, ascension status, and subreddit selection.

How does Reddit karma work? These graphs give us some insights. How does Reddit karma operate? These diagrams provide us with some insights.

Here’s the scoop:

  • The computation for karma does commence at a 1:1 ratio. The initial few upvotes your post accrues each correspond to a 1-point elevation in your Reddit post karma.
  • Upvotes yield diminishing returns. In essence, as your post garners more upvotes, each additional upvote earns you less karma.
  • Post age plays a substantial role. Upvotes received earlier in a post’s existence carry more significance. As the post ages, you earn fewer karma points for the same number of upvotes.
  • The subreddit you post to has an impact as well. Although the exact correlation remains unclear. Don’t fret over this aspect too much.

The maximum sum attainable from a singular post caps at about 8000 karma.

What constitutes negative karma on Reddit?

If Redditors profoundly disagree with your words, you may observe your karma plunging into the negatives. With adequate downvotes, it’s feasible for your karma to dip into the negative territory.

The solitary means to avert further harm is to erase the contentious post or comment. While this won’t rectify your karma, it will prevent further deterioration.

Dwelling in the negative karma realm isn’t as dire as it may seem. You lose the ability to post in most communities, but commenting is still permitted.

Likewise, let’s address how to eliminate negative karma on Reddit. Unfortunately, it’s a gradual process.

You forfeit access to previously visited subreddits (owing to karma prerequisites) and must extensively rely on commenting wherever possible to enhance your Reddit response karma and restore an overall neutral position.

If you accumulate substantial negative karma, rectifying it will demand significant time and effort. At that juncture, you might contemplate commencing anew with a fresh account.

Remember that evading a community ban by utilizing another account to access the community in question contravenes Reddit’s guidelines.

How to accumulate karma on Reddit swiftly

Users boasting high karma:

  • Are actively engaged on Reddit and often possess an extended tenure.
  • Engage more fervently with their communities.
  • Post content that’s valuable and captivating.

Employing these practices will ultimately propel you ahead. However, here are 11 more specific approaches to expedite your karma gain.

1. Concentrate on the appropriate subreddits

The optimal subreddits for karma are those closely associated with your knowledge and enthusiasms. Your contributions will inherently hold more value in these communities, resulting in higher upvotes.

If you’re new to Reddit, join numerous smaller, specialized communities. These communities typically have lower or zero karma criteria and are more lenient with their regulations. Youcan publish sooner and will have a simpler time interacting with other members.

Don’t overlook more popular communities, however. You won’t be able to publish in many of them until your account has some age and karma, but you can still provide feedback.

Well-liked subreddits like r/funny, r/aww, and r/askreddit are excellent places to search for karma.

2. Ensure to review the rules

Familiarize yourself with subreddit regulations before publishing and providing feedback. Breaking a regulation will typically lead to downvotes from irritated Redditors and consequences from the mod team.

Also, go through this guide on Reddiquette. These are informal regulations that apply to the entire site.

3. Search for recent and ascending posts

Curious about how to acquire karma on Reddit without publishing?

On the front page of any subreddit, you’ll notice the option to arrange your feed. It’s set to “hot” by default.

Posts on the hot page generally already have numerous highly upvoted comments. New comments on hot posts typically end up at the bottom of the comments section, unlikely to be noticed.

You can navigate this system by replying to the most upvoted comment. If it doesn’t have many responses, yours will be displayed nearly on top of the page. But there’s a superior method.

Filter by “rising” to see posts that are currently receiving an increasing amount of engagement. You should also use your judgment here to predict which posts will perform well.

How to get karma on Reddit fast - comment on rising posts. How to obtain karma on Reddit swiftly – provide feedback on rising posts.

The comments sections of ascending posts are gold mines for obtaining more karma.

If the post becomes popular, your comment will naturally attract a lot of attention. Leaving smart and amusing comments under ascending posts is arguably the quickest way to gain karma on Reddit.

4. Publish relevant and engaging content

You can accumulate a lot of karma with comments alone, so publishing isn’t necessary. Nevertheless, if you’re a content creator and you do have innovative content to share

  • Do it in the appropriate communities. Choose the most active communities that are pertinent to your niche.
  • Use unique, high-quality content that provides value to your viewers, whether as information or entertainment.
  • Do it in a way that stimulates users and fosters discussion. Put some consideration into the post title or caption you will use. Questions make particularly excellent captions because they encourage comments.

And don’t halt there – keep the conversation flowing in the comments section. Responding to the top comments is an effortless way to extract a generous amount of additional karma from each post.

5. Shun reposting

How do you get negative karma on Reddit? By not following the rules. How do you gain negative karma on Reddit? By not adhering to the rules.

If you’re making a post to ask a question, verify whether that question has already been addressed in the community’s About page or FAQ section.

6. Be cautious where you advertise your content

Reddit can bring you remarkable results with promotional endeavors, but you need to be cautious where and how you do it. Redditors have an exceedingly hostile attitude towards advertisements and promotions. So, if you’re too direct, you’ll get downvoted, reported, and scrolled past.

Getting karma on Reddit involves choosing where you promote yourself carefully. Acquiring karma on Reddit entails selecting where you promote yourself wisely.
most don’t – read the rules to understand where it’s acceptable to promote yourself.

7. Promote yourself indirectly

quality traffic from.

8. Publish at the appropriate times

6 to 8 am US Central. The best days to post are Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

US-based. If you’re promoting to a different audience, use our Subreddit Analysis to discover the best time to post for specific subreddits.

9. Utilize Social Rise to timetable your posts

time-saver if you’re looking to market or promote on Reddit! You also get data-driven analytics to track and improve the performance of your posts. So not only does it do most of the work for you, but you also get better results!

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10. Abstain from disputes

echo chambers. Partaking in arguments and debates is risky. You can be mass downvoted on the slightest of controversies – even if you’re technically in the right.

11. Avoid karma factories

On Reddit, there exists a practice commonly referred to as karma farming.

If you seek ways to gain complimentary karma on Reddit, you will come across numerous recommendations advising you to explore subreddits dedicated to free karma, such as r/FreeKarma4You. Individuals engage in upvoting each other’s content solely to boost their karma scores.

Engaging in a karma factory can lead to being shadowbanned.

Even if you manage to evade a shadowban, your profile may come across as a bot account to anyone reviewing your post history. Several subreddits automatically block users who have previously participated in such activities.

It goes without saying, stay clear of karma factories at any cost. They pose a significant risk and offer minimal free karma in return.

Is it possible to purchase karma on Reddit?

You have the option, although not directly through Reddit. External websites sell upvotes, leading to an increase in your karma count. Bear in mind that this practice is prohibited and could result in a ban on your account.

Some users also engage in the buying and selling of Reddit accounts with established karma. These accounts are typically utilized by content creators and promoters who wish to bypass the karma requirements with their own accounts and start posting immediately.

The buying and selling of accounts goes against Reddit’s user agreement. Accounts that are sold often face swift bans following the transaction.

If you choose to pursue buying an account, be aware that moderators are becoming more vigilant. Certain subreddits mandate access to your complete post history and may ban suspicious accounts with extensive karma but limited posts.

The default Reddit-generated username might also hint that the account was procured. However, this alone is not definitive, as legitimate users also possess such usernames.

Can Reddit karma enhance my visibility?

The visibility of posts on the hot page, where they attract the most attention, is determined by the number of upvotes they receive – and the speed at which they accumulate them.

A post that garners numerous upvotes within its initial hours is likely to secure a place on the hot page.

The Reddit algorithm will not give precedence to your posts for a spot on the hot page simply due to higher karma compared to other posters.

Nevertheless, karma can exert a slight, indirect influence.

In a somewhat circuitous manner, having more karma can translate to receiving more upvotes. This, in turn, aids in your posts reaching the hot page, reaching a wider audience.

FAQs on accumulating karma on Reddit